Bathroom Linen Closet Cabinet

Bathroom Linen Closet Cabinet

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13 Seriously Smart Linen Closet Organization Ideas

No more lost pillowcases. Ever. Again.

13 Seriously Smart Linen Closet Organization Ideas

Andrew McCaul

At this rate, your linen closet is probably overflowing with years — maybe decades — worth of accumulated towels, bedding, and sheets. Instead of accepting the clutter and chaos, follow these tips for a cleaner closet. It'll look so beautiful, you'll actually want guests to open the closet door.

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Pair Similar Items

Store your everyday towels and sheets on the center shelf. Everything else — mismatched pillowcases, bleach-stained towels, and your daughter's hot pink shams — can be tucked in baskets on higher or lower shelves.


See more at Dear Lillie Studio »

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Fold Sheets the Right Way

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Label Everything

Break up shelves into sections and label accordingly. Hold off on sticking bookplates and labels directly on shelves until you've figured out what system works best for you — then stick away! You always know your label maker would come in handy ...


See more at The Happy Housie »

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Repurpose Office Supplies

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Keep Products at Arm's Length

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Stash Sheets in Pillowcases

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Make It Consistent

Choose a color theme to give the closet a more cohesive, less cluttered look. For peak organization, give each type of linen — sheets, bath towels, and spare bedding — a specific color so that you can find what you're looking for quickly.


See more at From Great Beginnings »

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Make Guests at Home

The next time you have someone staying the night, simply pull out these pretty glass jars full of travel-size toiletries, cotton balls, and bars of soap. Or you can even tell your visitors to head to the closet and grab it themselves.


See more at Bless'er House »

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Keep Track of What's Inside

Associate Lifestyle Editor As the Associate Lifestyle Editor for, Amanda oversees gift guides and covers home, holidays, food, and other lifestyle news.

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Bathroom Linen Closet Cabinet



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